Copied older post:
Having a baby is more dramatic than I thought it would be and I am not trying to make it that way. I have gone out of my way to not be whiny or a baby about having a baby! I have a list I need to get off of my chest of terms, conditions and issues related to pregnancy that have been going in and out of my head partly due to what I have read and partly due to what the doctor's have said to me. So here they go- I will list them and then talk about them.
Shoulder dystocia
Pre term labor
Large baby
Fetal Fibronectin
Child birth classes
These are just a few of the things I have had to think or worry about since I have been pregnant. I know every pregnant woman worries, but the thing that bothers me is, I have to worry about all of these issues because I am diabetic. Maybe not because I am diabetic but I have a higher chance of having more issues. My baby could be so big that I end up having to have a c-section. Also that is where shoulder dystocia comes in - if he gets too big, his shoulders may not be able to fit through my pelvis. Also, he could have any other number of problems because I am diabetic. He is more likely to have jaundice and also, his blood sugar could be low when he is first born and that will have to be monitored closely. If he gets too big while I am pregnant, he also has a higher chance of being overweight when he gets older. Also, he could have more problems breathing. Diabetes can cause premature aging of the placenta which can cause you to deliver early but the thing is, I may have to have him early anyway, so that may not be an issue. If they have to induce labor, I am worried about that too because if my body doesn't respond, then I am more likely to have to have a c-section. Also, regardless of whether I am induced or not, I have a feeling my labor will be really long.
I had some contractions a week ago and went to the hospital so they could do some tests on me. I was having them even after they hooked me up to an IV (they weren't caused by being dehydrated) and giving me a shot of something that was a muscle relaxer. They were going to keep me overnight at the hospital but ended up letting me go home and told me to be on bed rest the whole weekend. I went to the doctor the following Monday and they hooked me up to a machine to test for more contractions then they did the fetal fibronectin test. They said if it comes back negative then I probably won't go into labor in the next two weeks. If it came back positive then it is harder to say what would happen. Either way it came back negative so I won't be going into labor soon more than likely. Anyway, if I have more complications, I may end up on bed rest. In a way that would be nice because my job has been really stressful lately and I worry that being stressed at work is going to make the last several weeks of pregnancy harder on my body.
They told me a couple of months ago that my blood tests showed I was anemic so they told me to start taking iron pills. I know being anemic makes me more tired also. Earlier in my pregnancy they did say I had protein in my urine and also I had a few episodes of high blood pressure so they were really worried about pre-eclampsia. Since then I haven't had any issues so I am not as worried about that now but they are still keeping a close eye on me. Instead of going to the doctor once a month, I have been going every two weeks for the last two months. Most women start seeing the doctor once a week at 36 weeks but I will start having to see the doctor every week at 32 weeks. So I have an appointment this week and will have one in two weeks and then will start having them every week. The doctor's appointments I have had are starting to get overwhelming. I have to go the OBGYN every two weeks, my diabetes doctor about once every 5-6 weeks and also the Perinatologist once every 6 weeks. I swear I have been to the doctor about 40 times already! I have had 6 ultrasounds and will probably have 8 or 9 by the time my baby is born. I have done more urine samples and blood tests than I can count! It is all so much. I am just ready for it to be over and have my little boy here!
I know the struggle will all be worth it and hopefully it will be here before I know it! I know it will be and then we will have this little boy for the rest of our lives! I know being a parent will be the most exciting thing I have ever done! I can't wait.
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