Copied older post:
Stealing an idea from my sister-in-law Amy, I decided to make a list of 30 things that I would like to do by the time I am 30. I am actually going to make the list now and try to start doing them as soon as possible. If I get them all done in six months or a year, great! If it takes me until I am 30, oh well! I just want to make a list of things that I have always wanted to do but never got around to or things that I was always afraid of trying. Since this is my list, I reserve the right to change the list by removing one thing and adding another. I will always have 30 things, but may change a thing or two if I decide it is something I really don't want to do or can't physically or financially do. So, here goes!
1. Get a tattoo - probably of my son's name or initials.
2. Lose 30 pounds. This is from my pre-pregnancy weight so this one will be extra hard right now. I need to lose the rest of the baby weight first. This could take a while. :(
3. Scrapbook my son's first year of life. This one should be easy thanks to Amy. I have the kit to do the scrapbook, I just need to start working on it and make sure to finish it.
4. Go on a hiking trip - not sure where or how yet, but something that would be a decent hike. Something that takes a few hours and makes me super tired and sweaty. Even if it is somewhere around here, I just want to feel proud of myself after hiking for a while and not quitting.
5. Get family pictures taken. This one should also be easy now that I have a son. I haven't posed for a "professional" picture since my senior pictures in high school and would like to have a family picture done with Todd, me and Xander.
6. Start playing piano again. I took lessons for ten years and haven't played in almost that long. I will never forget how but always wanted to get back into it. I don't currently own a piano so this could be a challenge, but I could someday get a piano or a keyboard.
7. Start swimming again. Another thing I used to do and haven't done in quite a while. This was my high school sport and I wish I could do this as a regular form of exercise but I don't currently have access to a pool. This may never happen, but it would be enjoyable to swim two or three times a week as a workout.
8. Do another scrapbook of some sort besides Xander's baby scrapbook. I have always wanted to tap into my creative side, but never felt like I had time to do so. Being a stay-at-home mom now takes away the time excuse.
9. Visit two states that I haven't been to yet. I only visited California for the first time when I was 24 and would love to visit some other states since I haven't traveled a lot in my life.
10. Be able to run 3 miles without stopping. I have never been a runner and this goal goes along with the losing weight one. I have been in great shape before, but was never good at running. I have always wanted to run for a while without having to stop.
Ok, that is 10. I think I am going to stop with those for now and come up with the other 20 later. I want to think about these and make sure they are all things I really want to do. I will post the other 20 at a later time and when I do, I will copy these original 10 and then add on from there so my list is all together. After reviewing the first ten, I noticed that some of them are "goals" or "resolution" type ideas, but I don't really care what they look like to the outsider, I just want them all to be things I really want to do and feel passionate about.
35+ Ways to Save Money on Your Energy Bill
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